Friday, May 1, 2009

These are some rare documents of Corbusier..................... new studies on corbusier's work are indicating how he syntheisized history and modernity and his symbols from the ancient past.

dialogue this issue !!!!!!!!!!


isabella florentini said...

so much written on corbusier...can we have something really new and diiferent about him or are we afraid to move forward

yamilla said...

the last time i visited la tourette...i found distinctly the modular mentioned in micahelangelo's notebooks...has some serious research been done on this... how did xenakis evolve this musical rythm

otto said...

there is a new book on corbusier and the occult..... did he really follow such practices...or are we trying to create a myth around this...

rochelle said...

the symbolism in corbusier work must have derived from the environment in paris in the 1920.

milly francesca said...

to continue this debate