Saturday, November 8, 2008


A Global History of Architecture by Francis D K Ching, Mark M Jarzombek, Vikramaditya Prakash - Organised along a global timeline, this book presents an innovative approach to the study of architectural history -


Anonymous said...

Most books on global architecture seem to create cultural brackets - like INDIAN, Renaissance, Chinese - these compartments freeze our understanding of history. In contrast this book - by organsing itslef on timelines - makes it easier to study links - Prof Ching's drawings are brilliant. Other articles by Prof Jarzombek and Prof Vikramaditya Prakash provoke thought ! posted by UR FILES

Anonymous said...

Je voudrais savoir si ce livre est disponible en francais. La majorite des dessins sont interessants et tres bien faits. J'espere qu'un CD de cet ouvrage formidable est disponible aussi .

Jean-Pierre Charpentier

Anonymous said...

the book is an extensive timeline - though feel if would be more relevant/interesting if a parallel theme of the unfolding of history - in the manner of a architectural historian could follow alongside - raghvendra

Anonymous said...

Quite agree with raghu - the timeline theme presents it with fluidity - though it also creates the need to have a more indepth analysis of architectural history - sonali

Anonymous said...

does a timeline view of hsitory actually provide more insights into it ? or something more homogenous needed - for instance location seems more a basis too for a reading of history - the timeline approach "dislocates location" - sameer