Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ecology and Architecture - almost everybody today is discussing ecology and climate change. Architect Durganand Balsavar recently presented for the UN Habitat Day seminar. he recognised two key issues / debates

1. The Nature versus development debate

2. the Free markets versus social disparity debate.

the general apathy to nature when we create large infrastructure in our towns and cities. deforestation and the pollution of the rivers. Climate change, sea level rise, growing population and a whole list of bleak issues. How do we address them ?

a. Discover new technologies

b. Change our lifestyles from guzzling energy and resources to a more balanced joy de vivre....


Avinash Pethe said...

The debates raised interesting issues that is relevance to architects and planners and all involved in urban planning. Architect Durganand outlined the various issues - in terms of questions we need to ask in planning ouor cities and towns.
the most intersting to me was. How do we minimise the impact of climate change - and steps to create humane environments.

sanjeevini said...

I am more pessimistic about this. If we go at this rate our cities will be doomed. do we really have the ability to impact our environements with a population that is growing so fast and our roads choked with cars and smoke....

Isabel mantini said...

Have you read the book by Adrian Parr on Hijacking Sustainability. It reveals several issues on climate change etc. published by MIT Press.

akshata said...

ELsee..... can you elaborate what is the nature versus development debate about ...have an assignment for my thesis on that....

ashwini said...

Look out for Architect Shrish Beri's film called "unfolding white".....its quite informative and keeps us thinking.

Sandro Rolli - napoli said...

Are there any publications by auroville on ecological architecture........
architects Poppo, Suhasini, Satprem, Tency, Mona... check out the Auroville website. its intersting. Its just two hours south of Chennai which has an internationsl airport as well.

Mira said...

The new indian standards for environment GRIHA has been published ....... makes more sense than LEEDS.